News | 2011




Federal council meeting of ACLI in Germany

Stuttgart, 3 December, 2011

The Federal Council of ACLI in Germany is meeting in Stuttgart.



The Board of directors of ACLI in Baden-Württemberg

Stuttgart, 26 November, 2011

Meeting of the Council of ACLI in Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart.

İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer

First mission of the transnational Experts

Tübingen, 17 to 21 November, 2011

As a first vanguard, three experts from France and Italy come for a three day mission. The aim is to get to know more precisely the project activities at Schwäbisch Gmünd and Reutlingen and to create the conditions for future exchanges and joint transnational learning.


5th Module on coaching with Hans Jellouschek

Ammerbuch-Entringen, 23 – 25 November, 2011

The 5th and last training module on Coaching with well-known author, transcational analyst (TA) and family therapist Hans Jellouschek is focused on conlusion and ending of personal and organisational coaching processes: the “gestalt” of farewell. Knowledge and experiences will be applied in our INPUT project envisaging accompanying and coaching processes of work promotion actions by transnational experts.

IMPART | Transnational ESF Learning Network

Increasing the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment

Sweden, 17 – 21 October, 2011

In the framework of the transnational ESF learning network IMPART a peer review study visit is organised to pilot projects in Sweden. Objective of the peer review mission is to contribute to a validation of indicators on European level that might reinforce sustainability of projects. The activities in the field are based on a working strategy developped within the INPART project that focuses on the methods of qualitative benchmarking and indicator focused interviews realised by peers.

Extra Moenia

The Extra Moenia Project visiting good practice

Heimsheim, Leonberg, Reutlingen, Tübingen, 9 – 12 October, 2011

Experts from Alghero, Cagliari, Freiburg, Heimsheim, Leonberg, Lille, Reutlingen, Tübingen and Stuttgart are guests of acli e. V.

Concern of the European experts is an exchange of good practice in working with prisoners and in the field of offender-victim mediation. acli e. V. has organised the programme on behalf of the European Network TANDEM PLUS, the women’s network CORA and Sardinian women’s education organisation ifold. The meetings at Tübingen’s Evangelisches Stift take place in the context of the transnational activities of the “Extra Moenia” project, funded by the Sardinian Government and the European Social Fund. On behalf of acli e. V. Ms Teresa Baronchelli, Mr Giuseppe Tabbì, Ms Emanuela Tierno, Mr Federico Di Dario participate to the preparation and implementation of the programme, together with the responsible Mr Norbert Kreuzkamp.

Civl Engineering School of Bologna

Study visit of young civil engineers

Stuttgart and Tübingen, 11 – 18 September, 2011

Young civil engineers from Bologna are passing a one week’s study tour on urbanism. The technical, urbanistic and social aspects of Stuttgart 21 are a highligtened in different visits and conferences.

acli e. V.

New acli e. V. video clip

Stuttgart and Tübingen, 20 July, 2011

Some ideas on acli e. V.’s mission as well as some activities of the REDshift project are presented in a short video clip produced by the Berlin filmmaker Guillaume Cailleau with the cooperation of Matteo Conti.

İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer

Welcome to the partners at Stuttgart’s Festival of the cultures

House Europe, Stuttgart, 13 July, 2011

The partners arriving from Reutlingen, Schwaebisch Gmuend, Stuttgart and Tübingen will be guests of the German-Turkish Forum. The common work will be focused on mentoring projects for young people aiming on a “real” integration into labour market. For interested colleagues there will be opportunity to have a short overview on the Stuttgart Festival of the Cultures. The meeting will continue on the Festival of the cultures and a concert “in piazza” of an Italian Rock band.


Global challanges of the work: identity, mobility and origin

Re Enzo Palace, Bologna, 17 June, 2011

Acli and FAI invite to a round table on the future of work in Bologna. Representatives of Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom come together for the half year conference of the Council. Grmany is represented by Carmine Macaluso and Norbert Kreuzkamp.

TANDEM PLUS | Europäisches Netzwerk | European Network

European networking and the Europe 2020 strategy

Éspace Bouvines, Lille, 9 and 10 June, 2011

Representatives from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain come together for a joint seminar on future European strategies and for the General Assembly of the European Network TANDEM PLUS.

İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer

Transnational study visit of İNPUT partners to France

Lille, 8 and 9 June, 2011

Experts and representatives of acli, arces, BBQ, JuFuN, the municipality of Stuttgart vist FCI, the community centre of Bois Blanc and the “missions locales”.  An exchange  with experts of the TANDEM PLUS Network is envisaged.

İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer

First meeting of project’s partners and teams in Tübingen

Tübingen, 11th May, 2011

Partners and project teams come together for a first project meeting since the start of the implementation phase. After a short review of the activities during the preliminary phase the project partners acli e. V., ARCES e. V. and BBQ Berufliche Bildung gGmbH report on their activities and the detailed project plannings. Particular attention is paid to the development and implementation of the project activities in Reutlingen and Schwäbisch Gmünd. There is a wide consensus among partners and project teams about an appreciative, participatory and empowering approach of work promotion. Some continuity and structure should be given to the exchange of partners and staffs at the different project sites. Basic issues for the cooperation will be defined in a partnership agreement.


Federalims, unification of Italy and the Mezzogiorno

Haus der Katholischen Kirche, Königstraße 7, Stuttgart, 7 May, 2011

Conference of the ACLI Baden-Württemberg on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian unification.The Italian MP Franco Narducci and the political scientist Dr. Annegret Eppler of the Tübingen University discuss the extent to which the local federal experience could be an example for Italy.


Youth information fair on international experiences for young people

Stuttgart City Hall, 6 – 7 May, 2011

What sense does it make for young people to spend some time abroad? A period abroad may be of special significance for the individual personal development and to collect some life experiences. The confrontation with a different culture, different customs and the need to use another language in everyday life can help to see your own values ​​and standards in a different light. A stay abroad is also often critical to professional success. Key skills such as intercultural experience, language skills and independence, flexibility and assertiveness have become indispensable. During a stay abroad, these skills might be acquired in practice. The Youth Information Fair ICH MUSS WEG! provides an opportunity to learn about study abroad programs and forms to meet providers and organizations and to obtain advice – jobs, internships, study, international youth exchanges, work camps, Au Pair and volunteer services.

More information: This year the team of acli e. V. will be composed by Angela Di Pinto, Emanuela Tierno, Damian Vernaci and Norbert Kreuzkamp.


Easter message

Stuttgart, 24 – 25 April, 2011

Against all reason, against all historical experience, and against the logic of everyday life, it is Judeo-Christian tradition and promise to ensure an to guarantee: the poor, the sick, the infirm, the injured, the persecuted, the fugitives, the oppressed, the defeated, the tortured, the sacrificed, the failed – they all will be justified, they will get justice before and within history. To all partners, colleagues and friends, we wish you happy Easter!

İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer

İNPUT starts into the implementation phase

Granada, 15 April, 2011

After the migration of the project to acli e. V. at the end of the year and after an ​​appropriate preparation, the two-year implementation phase of the project could be started. Even during Holy Week some coordination meetings are planned. Just after Easter workshops with the local partners are prepared. The first transnational meetings of the project staff are scheduled on the project calendar for the first decade of June.

TANDEM PLUS | Europäisches Netzwerk | European Network

Local development on the Mediterranean Sea

Granada, 11 – 13 April, 2011

In cooperation with mayors from a community network in northern Morocco, the management board of TANDEM PLUS will discuss innovative projects for local development.

IMPART | Transnational ESF Learning Network

Increasing the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment

Bonn, 22 and 23 March, 2011

In the framework of the transnational ESF learning network IMPART a two-day introductory seminar is scheduled for peers. These experts will be involved in peer reviews and professional study visits.

SEJU | Seminario transnacional de intercambio de buenas práticas en políticas de jugentud

Young people taking responsibility for youth policies

Granada, 20 – 26 March, 2011

Young women and men from Germany, France, Italy, Romania and Spain will work for a week at key topics of future youth policies in Europe. Based on their own experiences and mutual exchange, good practice should be identified and common recommendations shoud be drafted.


Volunteer work in the European history

Caritas Akademie Freiburg im Breisgau, 26 and 27 February, 2011

In a continuous tradition of Ecumenical Assembly of Basel, Christian and non-Christian citizens of Lombardy, Switzerland and Baden-Wuerttemberg meet to reflect on volunteer work in the European history. The Methodist priest Eliana Briante, and the former President of The Italian ACLI Movement, Giovanni Bianchi, contribute with some basic contributions. Invitation and programme for all interested.


The world’s largest education fair

Stuttgart, 22 – 26 February, 2011

The education fair Didacta opens its doors.

SEJU | Seminario transnacional de intercambio de buenas práticas en políticas de jugentud

The focus on education, career and mobility

Tübingen, 19 February, 2011

Young women and men from Berlin, Metzingen, Goeppingen, Steinheim, Stuttgart and Tuebingen develop — based on their own experience — positions and presentations on the question, how good European youth politicies should look like in the field of education, vocational education, job entry and mobility.


E-learning concepts for the acquisition of key competences

Dresden, 27 – 28 January, 2011

The two-day conference brings together experts from Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain in order to develop e-learning concepts in the provision of key competences to move on. In Dresden, the first production phase is completed and the testing phase is envisaged. The responsibility for the German version is shared by WBS Training in Dresden and acli e. V. in Stuttgart.

SEJU | Seminario transnacional de intercambio de buenas práticas en políticas de juventud

Electronic posters as presentation tools

Stuttgart and Tuebingen, 20 and 21 January, 2011

Pre-conference for a transnational meeting within the European “Youth in Action” Programme. On invitation of the Diputación de Granada, six young people, with and without migration background, will be meeting peers coming from France, Italy, Romania and Spain for a week and share their experiences about good practice of youth policies. For the German delegation the March Meeting will focus on “Education, profession and mobility “.





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