LET | Linking Europe in Transition
Linking Europe in Transition – industrial relations in times of crises
Bad Boll, 8 – 11 December, 2013The European Commissions promotes the European Social Dialogue and intends to contribute to enlarge and deepen mutual understanding on industrial relations and European Social Policies. Within this framework, social partners’ organisations, public bodies and civil society from twelve regions in Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom have built up the experts’ network “Linking Europe in Transition (LET)”. These European experts and social partners have exchanged their experience, identified good practice, discussed and worked on promising positions and practices of social partners in facing the economic, financial and social crises in Europe. The experts focused their work on the following thematic area: European Social Dialogue, Migration and New Forms of Employment.
How can Social Partners give a significant contribution to solve the actual crises in Europe in a fair and solidary way? How to combat tendencies of increasing precarious work and structural weakening of the work? What can workers’ organisations do against persisting unemployment of the young generations in Europe? What are winning strategies for social partners in Europe to reinforce labour, promote welfare, to strengthen citizens’ democracy and by that reinforce Social Europe? Is it possible for European citizens and workers to insist on the individual human rights for all people and to contribute, on a long run, to a good and sustainable neighbourhood with citizens and workers in Africa?
Given the challenges caused by the crises and given the threats of the economic, social and political systems in Europe, respectful and sustainable answers are needed. In our two days conference at Bad Boll the project experts present their findings and discuss on the future steps to be done. Interpreters guarantee common understanding in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish language.
An international approach in social work of, with and for migrants
Stuttgart, 4 December, 2013In the framework of a training programme organized by the Catholic Accademy Hohenheim some social worker students from Austria, Germany and Switzerland visit us to informa themselves about acting strategies in educational and social work of and with migrants.
A European professional profile for working with detainees
Lille, 28 and 29 November, 2013Transnational meeting of the majmin Project.
LET | Linking Europe in Transition
The economic downturn as power engine
Economicc and Social Committee (EESC), Bruxelles, 17 and 18 October, 2013Participation to the FAI adn EZA Seminar within the framework of the LET project.
International workshop in ethnic minority and migrant stereotypes
House of the European Commission, Madrid, 14 – 15 October, 2013Transnational conference and meeting of the steering committee of the BEAMS project.
LET | Linking Europe in Transition
Facing the crises as social partnrs
Barcelona, 28 and 29 September, 1 and 2 October, 2013Transnational meeting of the LET project.
LET | Linking Europe in Transistion
Cohabitation, labour and foreign policy in the EU
Motta di Campodolcino, 30 and 31 August, 1 September, 2013Transnational meeting in the framwork of the LET project.
Looking on Europe from East Africa
Bujumbura / Ryarusera, 5 – 16 July, 2013Study tour to Burundi with numerous visits and talks to local people.
Mediterranean Neighbourhood
Chefchaouen, 11 – 15 June, 2013Transnational meeting of the European Network TANDEM PLUS in the Moroccan city.
İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer
Excellent bilance for transnational projects in Baden-Württemberg
Stuttgart, 7 May, 2013Seven projects sponsored by the European Social Fund and the State of Baden-Württemberg report on the impacts of their transnational activities. Common to all was a transnational dimension within the framework of labour pormotion activities for long-term unemployed elderly people or those with a migration background.
İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer
Professional exchange in Monterotondo
Stuttgart, 11 – 13 April, 2013The aim of the transnational meeting of practitioners of employment promotion is to deepen the knowledge about the work of colleagues in the field and develop the common exchange on. Together with Achille Tagliaferri and Alessandro Braccini we could build on site at the previous meeting in March. Meetings were implemented with participants and operators of various actors in the fields of youth work and of job promotion for young people with multiple barriers to work and work environment. The thematic focus of the various activities of the Employment Promotion of the cooperative FOLIAS, which operates on behalf of the city of Monterotondo (Roma).
İNPUT | innovative practice by useful transfer
Transnational meetings of experts
Retulingen / Tübingen, 3 – 6 April, 2013Highlight of the transnational experts’ meetings is a workshop with mentors on 5 March. On the example of the FCI Lille opportunities and limitations of a community-oriented, publicly funded coordinated cooperation is presented between of local actors in the promotion of employment. In view of increasing and compacting psychosocial problems, careful diagnosis, a clear assessment of the own limits and a prudent self-protection are fundamental prerequisite for a successful guidance by mentors. The psychologist Achille Tagliaferri reported from private practice and provides assistance, such assistance can be accessed and organized when needed. Alessandro Braccini comes from the youth work in socially deprived areas of the city Monterotondo in the Rome metropolitan area. To cope with very difficult situations is the major issue of the work of the Italian partners. As part of the city workers with a holistic approach the focus is on strengthening the individual within and by the group, within and by the community. Methods of cultural work and inclusive work are used in the promotion of employment. In the search for innovative, feasible and sustainable otions peers play the most significant role.