News | 2014



acli  |  BEAMS  |  FIT.COM

Festival of Cultures – neigbourhood of cultures

Stuttgart, 15 – 22 July, 2014

The Summer Festival of Cultures. At the margins of the Festival on Stuttgart’s Market Place meetings and conferences are envisaged within the BEAMS and the FIT.COM project allowing an exchange on intercultral learning between educators, youth workers and young people from Germany, Italy, Peru and Tanzania.


Dignified citizenship in Europe – the daily commitment of ACLI

Stuttgart, 5 April, 2014

The XI Federal Congress of ACLI in Germany.


Dignified citizenship in Europe – the daily commitment of ACLI

Stuttgart, 21 March, 2014

The Congress of ACLI in Baden-Württemberg.


Re-discover, re-establish the identiy – the ACLI in Germany

Mainz, 8 March, 2014

An attentive, active, popositive commitment in facing the challenges of the economic crisis: labour, mobility, poverty.
Study Conference of ACLI in Germany with the contribution of acli e. V.


Stop watching, start seeing

Bratislava / Vienna , 26 – 28 February, 2014

international conference on stereotypes of ethnic minorities and migrants in popular culture. Steering Committee Meeting and Mid Term Conference of the transnational project BEAMS.


Cultural youth work within and intercontinental framework

Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) / Pasco (Perù) / Ragusa (Italy) / Tübingen (Germany), 21 February, 2014

In a video conference representatives and operators of five organisations agree on some first steps for a project network on cultural youth work.


Analysing the role of migrant organisations

Stuttgart, 12 February, 2014

Together with experts of different organisations the role of migrant organisations in a broader cooperation concept have been analysed.


Flashes on interationalisation

Bari, 6 and 7 February, 2014

On invitation of the SPEGEA Busines School a two days workshop was organised with some 40 students of two Master courses.


New drive in transnational activities against the crises

Granada, 24 – 27 January, 2014

Together with the colleagues Jorge Lopez and Raúl Garcia Martín new strategies of transnational cooperation have been developed.


Working in the prison

acli, Freiburg im Breisgau, 21 January, 2014

Ms Teresa Baronchelli, former President of ACLI in Germany, gives testimony of a long-term commitment in educational and social work with prisoners. The interview does contribute to a large analysis of needs, the curriculum and experimentation of further training within the European project.


A culture reflected and fair use of pictures

Deutscher Caritasverband, Freiburg im Breisgau, 21 January, 2014

A background interview with Dr Bernhard Seiterich, managing editor and viusual journalist of Sozialmagazin gives eviedens of a culturally and socially reflected fair use of visual materials in the use of the members’ magazine Sozialcourage.


New drive in transnational activities against the crises

Berlin / Tübingen, 20 January, 2014

A qualitative interview with Timo Kiesel on Whithe Charity enriches the discourse on migrant and ethnic minority steretypes in a culture reflexive analysis of popular culture and public relations instruments of humanitarian organisations.


New drive in transnational activities against the crises

Catholic Accademy Hohenheim, 17 and 18 January, 2014

Giuseppe Tabbì, Daniela Bertoldi and Norbert Kreuzkamp present acli strategies within the daily meeting of catholic assocsiations of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.


WeltWeitWissen – changing perspective on global learning

Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, 16 January, 2014

Within the framework of the BEAMS project participation was organised on the Federal Congress for global learning and education for sustainable development.


Migrant and minority stereotypes in humanitarian aid campaigns in Germany

Tübingen, 7 – 12 January, 2014

Within the framework of the BEAMS project on the trace of the research methodology proposed by the French partner Cap Solidarités and in cooperation with the experts involved in the project a short study was made on migrant and minority stereotypes in humanitarian aid coampaigns in Germany.





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